Coblentz Press Room

2024 Privacy Overview: How to Ensure Compliance and Reduce Business Risk

2024 has been another big year for privacy, with significant developments happening almost daily. Several new state privacy laws are going into effect, with several more coming in 2025, and discussions surrounding a potential federal privacy law that could reshape the privacy landscape nationwide continue to intensify. Meanwhile, threats and litigation against companies for alleged privacy violations continue to push and test the boundaries of various laws. Issues such as the protection of health data and minors’ data are hot topics for legislation and litigation. And federal and state regulators across the country are ramping up enforcement efforts for privacy violations. Additionally, the intersection of privacy with emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence is becoming a critical area of focus.

In our 2024 Privacy Overview webinar, Scott Hall and members of the Coblentz Data Privacy Team will cover some of the most important privacy developments for the coming year and provide insights on how businesses can prepare for what is ahead.

To register, please click here

Date: Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Time: 10:00am – 11:15am PDT

Format: Join us via webinar

This program is eligible for 1.0 Technology in the Practice of Law California MCLE credit. CLE is earned by both viewing and listening to this program for no less than 50 minutes. Dial-in only participants will not earn credit. Virtual attendance will be tracked and logged. CLE certificates of attendance will be made available via email in the days following the presentation.